Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks Giving for Roller Derby!

I’m thankful that nothing went terribly wrong when this happened at the roller rink yesterday. I was just skating along, and I saw something shoot across the floor in front of me. I looked, and saw some middle school aged girls point in astonishment and laugh. I then realized it was in fact two whole wheels. At this point I realized I was skating on my right skate, and looked down at my left skate- and much to my surprise…

I had to put my skates on and take this picture so that you
can get the full effect. Just imagine for a second,
looking down, and this is what you see.  
(but of course you’re not stopped,
you’re going really, really fast!)

But somehow, I just came to a stop. I don’t remember how I did it, but I’m pretty sure I USED A TOE STOP (ahem).  I fetched a rink boy to nab my missing parts, and scooted off the rink. At the time, I was convinced I had lost a screw- but no, just broke clear through the DynoPro aluminum… I was pretty shocked considering I skated on Carrera's with plastic trucks for five years, and nothing like this had ever happened. Despite the fact that the DynaPro plate supposedly “offers strength and durability at an affordable price” I thought the price was neither affordable, and the strength and durability well, lacking. I got these skates in MAY! I got my Carrera's in 2005 and skated on the same trucks for 5 years. They never even needed any sort of equipment tune-ups or repairs. …Not quite sure how I’m going to deal with the issue, but I’ll keep y’all updated.

Father of Roller Derby
Leo Seltzer
I’m thankful for 75 years of Roller Derby. (Not 75 years strong cause there are some gaps in there, but it’s still alive and kicking.)  I can’t begin to estimate how many lives are touched by the sport of Roller Derby. I think more important than the amount of people it reaches, is how it reaches people. So many women insist that “Roller Derby saved their soul”, and they really mean it. “Better than rehab” I’ve heard it said. And god knows with the amount of break ups and divorces it’s caused, it’s safe to say some would argue that Roller Derby is better than a man. In this spirit, let us all toast to Leo Seltzer today for creating the sport we all love, and his son Jerry for helping to preserve and promote the sport we know today. Check out and subscribe to Jerry’s blog here and read a little history on his dad Leo and how he got derby started here. You have to know where you’ve been to know where you’re going! 

I’m thankful for my health and the physical ability to skate. As I mentioned in my drunk derby debauchery quotes blog (and my True Freedom is: Being Me blog), sometimes while I’m skating I’m having so much fun I close my eyes and savor the awesomeness of just being on wheels. I’m fully aware everyday how lucky I am to be able to skate. I have been a musician since I was 10, and when I was younger I used to think the worst thing that could happen was breaking or losing a finger, (though my saxophonist friend Ken proved me wrong, when he lost a finger in a lawn mowing accident and then just got a custom horn made)- but now I think the worst thing that could happen would be losing my ability to skate. I honestly used to think I could still play my instruments from a wheelchair, but now I wonder if I could still play roller derby without arms. My, how the paradigm has shifted. Anyhow, I humbly wish for my continued health while expressing gratitude and appreciation for the good health I’ve experienced thus far. Thanks universe.

Most of all I am excited to have the ability to pursue what I love more than anything and have the support of my friends and family. Like I’ve said before, I believe I was born to spread the roller derby gospel, and I want to show my appreciation for each and every day that I can. Much love to my skaters (you know who you are), and thanks for being a part of my life and making me who I am. Love ya all!



  1. riedell had a lot of casting issues with those trucks.. if you email them nicely they will send you one. also the plate and trucks ar alluminum, not steel.

  2. bwa hahaha! Well forgive me. Who are you people reading my blog? So weird..
