Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bad Luck Brawl Highlights

Friday the 13th (of May) I played in Long Beach Roller Derby's 2nd banked track bout. I played as a sub again, this time for the Bixby Rollerettes. We won the game, even though I was playing against the team I had subbed for and won with prior, The 4th St. Retro Rollers, mentioned in this blog. Check out this highlight reel. Brent did a fantastic job! My favorite part is when Evil Dawn Under gets ejected. Look how Adolf Hitzher just stares forwards as Evil flips her lid. It's classic.

And here's some pics from the bout.

(I'm #13)

Me jammin' past Estro Jen about to hit meh!

Estro Jen's fan page

Me about to take off against Flame Fatale.
She earned MVP for her team that night. Damn she's fast!

Lego my shirt!

Yes she's pulling my uniform! It's because I took my belt off for the second half. Read how I feel about belts here.

Me, gettin' some love from Percy Cute

Me blocking, Estro doing something wacky

In the last jam I got ejected for dancing.
The song was "Push It" by Salt N Pepa.

Here we all are in amazing lighting.
I'm on the far right, with one knee pad.

And I can't wait to do it all again! I will be playing with LBRD again in their third game of the season, on June 3rd, as a sub for their newest team, the Belmont Hotbroads! Stay tuned for more pics and game highlights!

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