Thursday, May 19, 2011

Skater Profile: Pigeon #1

Recently while looking at the back of my latest issue of five on five magazine, I noticed the model for the tile biters looked awful familiar. Once I noticed she had Santa Cruz derby gear on, I figured I must have been crazy. But after attending some Long Beach practices I found out that Pigeon was a transfer from Santa Cruz. When I looked at the magazine again it became clear to me, it IS Pigeon!

This is Shayna, AKA Pigeon, and she now skates with Long Beach Roller Derby and works in Moxi Skate Shop, (and she really knows her stuff.) After seeing her photo on the back of five on five I thought she deserved a feature here on my lil ole blog. And TODAY IS HER BIRTHDAY, so what better a day to celebrate her awesomeness than today?

Cheers to you Pigeon, hope you make it count!

She also makes awesome webisodes with junior derby girl Killer Bee. Here is a link to my personal favorite, entitled "Derby skates, gear and corn, with The Bird and The Bee". (Get it? Pigeon, Killer Bee... anyway...)

Pigeon, in Moxi Skate Shop-->

I had the privilege of skating with Pigeon on the Retro Rollers' team on April 22nd, and again with the Bixby Rollerettes on April 13th. Both times our teams won! After the second win we high fived and concluded we must be good luck charms. (It sounded good to me anyway).

Pigeon is actually the captain of Long Beach Roller Derby's newest team, the Belmont Hotbroads, and rumor has it they will be the team to beat this season.

Take a look at this picture of the sign in Moxi Skate Shop's window. LBRD, Moxi and now Auntie Social all love Pigeon!

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