Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Roller Derby Bio

My team asked me to write this for our league’s website. I hate writing in third person it’s so pretentious! I thought it’d be an easy blog to post, and if there are people navigating to our league website who want to read this, there might be one or two people here who wouldn’t mind seeing it either. So here you go:

 (This was a feature in my
college newspaper: The Orion)


Auntie Social’s Roller Derby career began in Chico California in 2005. Skating with the NorCal Roller Girls in their inaugural season, she first made her debut jamming for the NCRG AllStar travel team the Hustlers in the league’s first ever exhibition bout against the Sac City Rollers. She continued with NCRG as a member of the VooDoo Dolls who enjoyed an entire undefeated season against the league’s three other teams, led to victory by team captain Survivor’ s Flica Flame, (who can be seen wearing the VooDoll uniform in season 13: Cook Islands). She continued with the NorCal Roller Girls into their second season, skating with the Messy Bettys Captained by Kutthroat Kandie. One of the top point earner’s in the league at the time, Auntie Social received the award for ‘most points earned by a single player in a game’ at the culmination of her second season. 

After two years with NCRG Auntie Social left for new skating horizons. In February of 2007 she began commuting from Chico to Sacramento to skate with the Sac City Rollers. Several months later and no bouts under her belt, Auntie Social decided the grueling commutes in combination with Sac City’s monthly dues, (NCRG did not charge their skaters at the time, in fact- they initially paid them) were too much for Auntie’s college student budget.

She did not officially join another Roller Derby team again until January of 2010. After graduating and moving back to her home turf, the San Francisco East Bay, Auntie Social joined the ranks of Antioch’s Undead Bettys. Though her time with them was brief, (6 months) Auntie passed Undead’s 6 week training course and became bout eligible, earning a spot on the travel team roster as a jammer, by May.

During her hiatus from official team rosters between the summer of 2007 and spring of 2010 Auntie’s life was not without the pursuit of Derby. Always a skater, she had several brief stints experimenting with different local leagues, including training on the SF Bay Bombers banked track, attending B.A.D. recruitment meetings and an un-official founding of EBRD in July of 2009, prior to joining the Undead Bettys. After subsequently leaving the Antioch team in June of 2010 Auntie Social re-founded East Bay Roller Derby. With a strong foundation of skating talent coupled with an array of Roller Derby experience from several leagues, all governed with different styles of management and league operation, Auntie is uniquely qualified to take on the task of launching the East Bay’s first Roller Derby league.

“I felt like I could no longer stand by on the track side and watch. I wasn’t content to just see how the future of Roller Derby evolved. I started EBRD so that I could give what I always envisioned to skaters and fans. While I love skating myself, I’d trade being on the track any day for a shot at opening the doors of opportunity for future skaters.”

Auntie Social operates on the motto ‘for the skater by the skater’ and has always worked to improve skaters’ rights on and off the track. A tireless advocate for skaters anywhere and always a promoter of roller derby everywhere, Auntie Social has high hopes to make the East Bay proud and lead EBRD to success in their 2011 inaugural season.

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