Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I got published bitchez

Christmas came early this year, I was published in 5 on 5 magazine, the official magazine of the WFTDA! Go get your copy today and turn to page 46, (Issue 10 Winter 2010)!

They published my coverage of the NRDA’s celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Roller Derby in San Francisco back in October. I certainly was not expecting to get a full page so I’m pretty stoked, but I regret that all my friends who contributed photos for the spread were not given photo credit! I am pretty sure that most of them were taken by WrathChild, Kutthroat Kandie and Pirahna Shawna. In addition, Georgia Hase is correctly identified in two of the pictures, but called “Peanuts” in a third. (That was my fault, not 5 on 5’s, sorry peeps).

Read what I originally wrote and submitted to the mag here- and it’s your lucky day- if you do not have a copy of the zine check out a pdf of my feature below.

And finally, if you just can’t get enough- read what The Commissioner had to say about the evening on his blog.


  1. Why am I invited to your blog? I have to admit I am a little skeptical. You better not be trying to save me.

  2. The first game of derby wasn't actually skated until 1938. For the first three years it was just a marathon, not a competitive game. Originally there were three teams instead of two! That rule was changed once they noticed that two teams tended to team on on the third.

    I suspect that if they had stuck with that format it might have kept the scores closer without the "Merriwelling" and other chicanery that came later because as one team started to pull ahead, the second and third teams would join forces to stop them from scoring.

    A game where teams "change sides" could have gotten pretty interesting with perhaps smaller teams on each side? Then again, never seen it done that way so I can only begin to imagine how it might work in actual practice.

  3. I got to know Frank Macedo when I lived in Las Vegas. He's a terrifically nice guy. I introduced him to a few folks at RollerCon '08. He charmed 'em all to death.
