Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jr. Derby: the Untapped Talent of Roller Derby

 I live directly across the street from a high school, and I have noticed this year that a large percentage of the girls have started wearing long patterned socks with their shorts. When I mentioned it my boss said that it was because of Soccer and Basketball. I call bullshit! There is only ONE explanation for the influx of patterned socks in High School, and it's roller derby.

I bet those girls would like to get in on some junior derby action. When I said to someone the other day that I would love to coach junior derby or somehow be a part of encouraging junior derby they were surprised. Why would anybody be surprised that I wanted to be involved in anything even remotely derby related? Anyways, I would have LOVED to do roller derby at that age.

I’ve been thinking a lot about junior derby lately. I mean, it just makes sense to train the incoming generation. You improve your skating talent coming in as well as generate new interest and lay the groundwork for the future of derby. Not to mention the joy of giving young girls the same unique outlet we all enjoy as adults. Junior derby just makes sense. How fitting then that the cover of USARS magazine’s summer issue which just arrived in the mail features some feisty skater tots on the cover.

[Photo courtesy of my LG Env3 phone]

The cover story showcases the girls of the L.A. Junior Derby Dolls Camp.  That’s right, ROLLER DERBY SUMMER CAMP. The girls participate in a week-long training course before ending the experience with a real rough and tumble bout against their fellow campers in front of all their friends and families. Camp goers leave camp empowered, pumped about roller derby, and with their very own “L.A. Junior Derby Dolls Camp” T-Shirt. 

This sounds phenomenal!

Prior to the start of East Bay Roller Derby I had considered offering a practice schedule in the Pleasanton Parks and Recreation catalog but it did not really seem to fit with the crowd we were trying to attract. But you know what would fit into that catalog? Junior Derby Summer Camp. I may not have been able to do junior derby myself, but if I can be a part of giving the gift of roller derby to girls now, I’m going to make it happen! I am going to make this my new project for summer 2011. I will keep you all updated.

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